Recently, the SAP SuccessFactors Day event, organized by DynaSys and co-hosted by GaiaWorks, was successfully held at the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong. The event aimed to share employee experience and workforce management solutions for enterprises in Hong Kong, using industry benchmark cases as guides to help enterprise customers better formulate human resource management strategies in the global market. The event attracted nearly 80 enterprise executives, decision-makers, and industry experts to participate.

DynaSys, as the only SAP Platinum Partner and an outstanding system integrator in HK, has assisted numerous enterprises in Hong Kong in delivering SAP SuccessFactors employee experience management solutions.

The SAP & Gaia Full-Process Workforce Management Cloud Solution is a globally certified SAP-Qualified Partner – Packaged Solution. Nearly 50 enterprises from high-end manufacturing, chain retail, and modern service industries choose to adopt the combination of Gaia WFM and SAP SuccessFactors, and achieve tangible results. The core workforce cloud products of GaiaWorks, including rostering, time & attendance, incentive compensation, etc., have officially been listed on the SAP Store since April 2022, as an extension solution based on the SAP BTP platform and pre-integrated with SuccessFactors, achieving seamless integration between the two systems. From SAP SuccessFactors’ powerful core foundation and unique talent management capabilities to GaiaWorks’ accurate labor settlement (time, commission, tax) capabilities, the two complement each other, covering the entire process of human resource management, helping enterprises optimize operational efficiency and enhance organizational capabilities.

At the event, GaiaWorks shared solutions to help global enterprises to solve complex workforce management issues and improve productivity, showcasing successful case studies and experiences in overseas markets.

Alex Chang, Co-founder and GM of the International Business, and Ronnie Sung, Managing Director of DynaSys, signed a memorandum of cooperation to expand workforce management solutions in the Hong Kong market.

The cooperation with DynaSys is an important milestone in GaiaWorks’ overseas market development. In the future, both parties will further integrate resources, using Hong Kong as a pillar to cover the Asia-Pacific region, provide customers with better employee experience and workforce management cloud service, to achieve excellent management results. At the same time, through deep cooperation in technology and business domains, GaiaWorks and DynaSys will continuously promote innovation and development of talent management solutions, help enterprises implement sustainable development and achieve strategic goals.

GaiaWorks will continue to strengthen strategic cooperation with globally renowned enterprises to provide higher quality solutions and services, helping more enterprises achieve success.

In recent years, while maintaining its leading position in the domestic market, GaiaWorks has been actively expanding its presence in overseas markets and exporting China’s best labor management practices to other countries. Currently, GaiaWorks serves 1,700+ organisations with more than 6 million employees in 24 countries and regions.

About DynaSys

DynaSys is a system integrator, and mainly provides business applications and services to customers. DynaSys offers 1-stop shop solutions and services in HR solutions to large, medium, and small enterprises since 2008. Our customers include multinational corporations and local companies in various industries ranging from Manufacturing, Wholesale & Retail, Entertainment & Hospitality, Property Management, Engineering & Construction, Utilities, Government and Higher Education sectors.

Our certified staffs provide professional consulting, support, and managed services to customers. We also commit to develop cutting-edge enterprise cloud and mobile applications to empower our customer’s business with more diversity and mobility.

About GaiaWorks

GaiaWorks is a leading SaaS provider of workforce management solutions. Headquartered in Suzhou, China, GaiaWorks serves 1,700+ organisations with more than 6 million employees in 24 countries and regions. Backed by top-tier investors such as  GGV, Warburg Pincus, Tiger Global, Tencent, Matrix Partners, EDBI, etc., GaiaWorks has over 14 years of experience helping companies optimize their workforce.With GaiaWorks, organisations are able to streamline their workforce management, reduce labor costs, improve productivity, and increase employee satisfaction.